what to expect
Okay, so trying to describe a church experience is pretty tough. Nevertheless, we'll try and give it a shot and when you visit you can tell us how close we were. When you show up at Summit, we want you to feel comfortable. Don't worry about dressing to impress; you'll see some with jeans, some with jackets, some in high heels, and some in flip flops. Musically, the worship is upbeat and modern (think Elevation, Vertical Church, Hillsong United, Jesus Culture, etc.), but we like to blend in hymns as well.
We use a lot of PowerPoint and visuals with our messages ... we've found they help the main points stick in people's minds. The sermons are down to earth and practical as we take Biblical principles and show how they apply in our busy lives today. After all, we're usually preaching to ourselves, too.
We'll always have WORLD CLASS coffee in the lobby, there will usually be a few kids running around, and you'll hear lots of laughter as Christians who love life and each other catch up on what God's been doing in their lives. The Sunday morning service usually lasts about 90 minutes.
Our main goal is to be able to grow together as real people, each of us moving one step closer to the person God wants us to be. So ... what to expect? Contemporary music, relevant teachings, and a family of people who can't wait to meet you.
Our Core
JESUS is the center.
Jesus is the cornerstone, He is our source of salvation and freedom; everything we do points back to our love and devotion to Him.
PEOPLE are our passion.
We are called to love people as we love ourselves; we exist to see people connect with Jesus. That is the heart behind everything we do.
COMMUNITY is our design.
We were made for community. We grow as Christ followers when we are in relationship with other believers.
WORSHIP is our heart.
We were created for worship; therefore, we devote ourselves to live a life of worship through every aspect of life.
DISCIPLESHIP is our mandate.
We are a church that is called to make disciples. Discipleship was Jesus’ model to see the Kingdom advance locally and around the world. And we get to carry out this same mandate spoken over two thousand years ago.
FAITH is how we operate.
We are a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led church who believes that signs, wonders, and miracles are for today. With God, all things are possible.
GENEROSITY is our way of life.
God gave His best through his son Jesus, so we give freely give.
HONOR is a must.
We create a culture of honor at Summit. We honor up, down, and all the way around.
SERVING is our privilege
Jesus came to serve, not to be served. He is our example and we are honored to follow in His footsteps by serving those around us.